Monday, September 30, 2019

Gun control

Burnett states, that Colorado State University allowed concealed carry on campus without any problems, and it resulted in a decrease of their crime rate from 800 to 200 over the 6 years to 2008 (Students Should Have the Right To). The concealed weapons must have been helping the crime rate stay down in their school. Although the concealed weapons seemed like a good idea Dickerson believes that they should not be allowed, because they would increase the crimes committed. Dickerson explains, that studies done at colleges by the F.B. I conclude that guns were used 54% of the time to inflict violence upon people in 272 deferent issues. On the other hand would you really want to Increase that chance by allowing students to have guns on campus. College students may need the eight to defend themselves, but who is to say that they are even mature enough to have their own gun on campus. A lot of college student do stupid things as a result of what others are doing. Do you really think adding guns to that would be a good idea.Dickerson believes that even though students may be mature enough to have a gun, their brains are still developing during this time. Many studies of brain development show that college students seek riskier behavior and also do not consider their consequences very well (Dickerson). Increasing the chance of risk and poor decisions y adding guns would not help out the students or the college out very well. Burnett believes that college students should be able to have a gun on campus for the reason that they should have the right to defend themselves.Burnett argues that student are holding protest to try and get some protection for themselves through concealed carry. The idea of having classes or activities that show students how to have their gun safe and secure Is also brought up In order to try and help with getting them protection (Burnett). On the other hand, the students do need to have more retention than just signs that wont stop anyone from br inging a gun and inflicting violence anyway. The argument that comes to the occasion is that the college campuses are not as safe as they are made out to be.Anyone could just sneak a gun in and do what they want with no one to stop them except the police that arrive later on. When colleges are putting up gun free zone signs all over certain student see the harm they want to do(Burnett). Burnett says one important thing through these words: â€Å"What is less well known is that there have been more than a dozen other college hooting since Virginia Tech. You probably didn't hear about most of them because there wasn't enough blood to earn a cover story, but each of these attacks had one thing in common.They all occurred under the same banner: â€Å"gun-free zone. â€Å"(Burnett). The final argument by Dickerson is that having guns on the campus would cause injuries, homicides and accidental shootings. Dickerson explains this by showing that in college student age groups student hav e been assaulted by another student over 696,000 different times. If student are already hurting one another while run why would allowing guns on campus make that better. It would Just cause student to do even more dumb things. Gun control Burnett states, that Colorado State University allowed concealed carry on campus without any problems, and it resulted in a decrease of their crime rate from 800 to 200 over the 6 years to 2008 (Students Should Have the Right To). The concealed weapons must have been helping the crime rate stay down in their school. Although the concealed weapons seemed like a good idea Dickerson believes that they should not be allowed, because they would increase the crimes committed. Dickerson explains, that studies done at colleges by the F.B. I conclude that guns were used 54% of the time to inflict violence upon people in 272 deferent issues. On the other hand would you really want to Increase that chance by allowing students to have guns on campus. College students may need the eight to defend themselves, but who is to say that they are even mature enough to have their own gun on campus. A lot of college student do stupid things as a result of what others are doing. Do you really think adding guns to that would be a good idea.Dickerson believes that even though students may be mature enough to have a gun, their brains are still developing during this time. Many studies of brain development show that college students seek riskier behavior and also do not consider their consequences very well (Dickerson). Increasing the chance of risk and poor decisions y adding guns would not help out the students or the college out very well. Burnett believes that college students should be able to have a gun on campus for the reason that they should have the right to defend themselves.Burnett argues that student are holding protest to try and get some protection for themselves through concealed carry. The idea of having classes or activities that show students how to have their gun safe and secure Is also brought up In order to try and help with getting them protection (Burnett). On the other hand, the students do need to have more retention than just signs that wont stop anyone from br inging a gun and inflicting violence anyway. The argument that comes to the occasion is that the college campuses are not as safe as they are made out to be.Anyone could just sneak a gun in and do what they want with no one to stop them except the police that arrive later on. When colleges are putting up gun free zone signs all over certain student see the harm they want to do(Burnett). Burnett says one important thing through these words: â€Å"What is less well known is that there have been more than a dozen other college hooting since Virginia Tech. You probably didn't hear about most of them because there wasn't enough blood to earn a cover story, but each of these attacks had one thing in common.They all occurred under the same banner: â€Å"gun-free zone. â€Å"(Burnett). The final argument by Dickerson is that having guns on the campus would cause injuries, homicides and accidental shootings. Dickerson explains this by showing that in college student age groups student hav e been assaulted by another student over 696,000 different times. If student are already hurting one another while run why would allowing guns on campus make that better. It would Just cause student to do even more dumb things. Gun Control Argumentative Essay against Gun Control Since 1980, forty-four states have passed laws allowing gun owners to carry concealed weapons outside their homes for personal protection. (Five additional states had these laws before 1980. Illinois is the sole holdout. ) A federal ban on the possession, transfer, or manufacture of semiautomatic assault weapons, passed in 1994, was allowed to expire in 2004.In 2005, Florida passed the Stand Your Ground law, an extension of the so-called castle doctrine, exonerating from prosecution citizens who use deadly force when confronted by an assailant, even if they could have retreated safely; Stand Your Ground laws expand that protection outside the home to any place that an individual â€Å"has a right to be. † Twenty-four states have passed similar laws. Guns, therefore, are necessary in today's society for our protection There is no point to implement gun control considering the reality that criminals will still find a way to procure guns if they want to do so.Criminals will always make sure to have access to the guns that they need to execute their crimes successfully. They usually have connections to other influential people that can provide them with the guns and weapons that they need in order to execute their crimes. The bottom line is that if the criminals want to have access to guns, they will be able to get them even if there is a gun control policy in place. This law will not stop them from having guns if they are desperate to have them.Implementing a gun control policy will not really be effective in making all guns vanish in society. This policy will also not do anything to make guns safer in society. The reality is that guns have become necessary at present so that people can safeguard themselves, their families and their properties from any harm or danger that could be done to them by criminals. Thus, if guns are already banned in society, the people can no longer have access to something that can be very effective in ensuring their safety and security (Jacobs 2002, p. 6). It is undeniable that guns have an intimidating presence and can help prevent criminals from executing their evil plans. While it may be true that people can learn self-defence to protect themselves and their families from criminals in the absence of guns, the reality is that not all people have the time and commitment to actually learn this. They will find it hard to make the necessary adjustments and be forced to learn something that is not natural for them. Thus, the gun control policy will be more detrimental to society.It is important to also face the reality that implementing the gun control policy will not do anything to make society safer. The truth is that it is not the guns that kill people. People are the ones killing one another. Thus, even if there is a gun control policy in place, people will still kill others with guns that they secured illegally if they are really desperate to do so. It can also be noticed that in most cases where guns are involved, the guns were purchased illegally and therefore unregistered (Spitzer 2009, p. 24).This only proves that guns can still be acquired by people with the ill intention to kill or hurt others even if there is a gun control policy in place. Aside from this, guns can have the capability to prevent criminals from executing their crimes without them even being used by their owners. This is because the criminals will start hesitating to pursue their evil intentions once they are able to see that the people they are trying to kill or hurt also own guns to protect themselves. This is how guns can help to reduce the crime rates in society (Lott 2010, p. 38).However, if a gun control policy is in effect, all of this will not be possible anymore as the criminals who obtained their guns illegally will have an easier time in victimizing their targets. In addition, if a gun control policy is in effect, the criminals will simply find ways to use oth er weapons so that they can still execute their evil acts. Guns are not the only weapons that can be used at present by criminals. Even the ordinary things that can be found in the environment can already be converted to dangerous weapons by criminal at present. This reality makes the gun control policy even more futile and ridiculous.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Does Prejudice Still Exist Today? Essay

Does racism and prejudice still exist today? Officially there is no racism in the United States in the sense that all kinds of racial discriminations are prohibited by law. But racism still exists to some extent in the hearts of the people. In general, there is a reduction in the prejudices people have about others based on their race or other similar social background. But these prejudices have not completely died down. A large portion of US citizens still appear to have racial prejudices to different degrees. Although the public commentary describes the United States as post racial, racism and prejudice continues to exert a very real and persuasive influence on institutional policies and processes, interpersonal interactions, neighborhood infrastructure, socioeconomic opportunities, and media imagery in the world today. Racism The core of racism is the belief among people or a position taken by them that people of some races are essentially inferior to people of some other races. â€Å"When people of different races believing in or supporting such racist views come in contact with each other, they are likely to engage in racist behavior† (Davis, 2012). Racist Behavior Racist behavior can influence discrimination among people of different races, with an intention to put the people of other races at a disadvantage, or to avoid interaction with them, or both. Such discriminatory behavior can be explicit and performed without any attempt to hide. This behavior can also be subtle, that cannot be detected or pinpointed easily. Racist behavior may include many kinds of activities carried out secretly. â€Å"In spite of the laws against racist behavior, people do continue to behave in racist ways to some extent. Frequently this behavior is unintentional and difficult to pinpoint. In other cases the behavior is intentional but cannot be detected and punished by law for various reasons† (Garry, 2011). Stereotypes Stereotypes evolve out of fear of people from a minority group. Stereotypes are generally developed by a series of isolated behaviors by a member of a group that was unfairly generalized to be viewed as a character of all members of that group which in turn formed prejudice and racism. â€Å"When we judge people and groups based on our own prejudices and stereotypes and treat them differently, we are engaging in discrimination† (Thomas, 2013). Conclusion All of us face peer pressure when confronted with a joke which puts down a certain minority. It takes courage to raise objections to these jokes and belittling names and to actively fight the prejudice and bigotry which they foster. It is important to stand up against injustice, and fight the discrimination, stereotypes, and racism which have served as the precursors to persecution and violence. References Garry, K. (2011, March 11). [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://kgarry. wordpress. com/2011/03/11/prejudice-in-the-united-states-today-a-problem-that-we-may-never-resolve/ Davis, S. (2012, January 4). [Web log message]. Retrieved from http://blog. ctnews. com/mixingitup/2012/01/04/does-racism-still-exist/ Thomas, J. (2013). Teaching race and racism in the 21st century. Retrieved from http://www. ehow. com/way_5192208_teaching-race-racism-21st-century. html.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Ethical principles that you personally believe that reflect natural Essay

Ethical principles that you personally believe that reflect natural laws that are self -evident and that all people ought to ascribe to - Essay Example The ethical principles guided by natural law all pertain to the common good of all. They are the set of principles generally accepted by al. An example of an ethic dictated by natural law and generally accepted is morality. People from all cultures, religion and races agree that everyone should uphold morality in all aspects. According to Cheryl things that people should not do include, taking someone’s life, blasphemy, lying all these are ethics the humanity should uphold. All these ethics are known by all humanity; it is also given by god and directed towards the greater good of the society. These are some of the vices that the human law terms as natural law. Even with the ethics being set people may choose not to follow them, the consequences’ of such actions will be enacted by human law (Cheryl, 67). Ethics dictated by natural law instructs the people on the use of our liberty. The ethics under natural law guides the code of conduct we as humans should uphold collectively. It is a form of social configuration that will allow the community to pursue peace, contentment and success (Cheryl,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Literary analysis on A Good Man Is Hard To Find by Flannery O'Conner Research Paper

Literary analysis on A Good Man Is Hard To Find by Flannery O'Conner - Research Paper Example But a modicum of insight into the interests and craftsmanship of Flannery O’Connor makes her writing commendable on both literary and religious grounds. â€Å"Cathartic bitterness, a belief in grace as something devastating to the recipient, a gelid concept of salvation, and violence as a force for good† (Galloway) characterize her work. She was well aware of her dual role as a Catholic writer and a fiction writer. She only tried to homogenize both. Thus where the religious dimension was never far away from her writing she was also influenced by Martin Heidegger’s concept of dasein: the moment of death makes a man’s existence replete with meaning. She blends characterization with the setting and works out the meaning of the story. In the following analysis let us look at the dynamics of characterization, theme, and setting in Flannery O’Connor’s A Good Man Is Hard to Find. Good characters inspire strong feelings. Characterization should not begin and end midway but should be continued till the end as the characters evolve. Extraneous characters should be avoided and all the characters should contribute in varying degrees to the progress of the plot and depth of the story. A Good Man Is Hard to Find is a reasonable example for good characterization. The action in the story unfolds through the grandmother. She is the volatile person in the story with a glib tongue. The old lady is however a Christian only by appearances. Her moral platitude is her reality. When that is stripped by her confrontation with the killer there is no future for the character of the grandmother. "Why youre one of my babies. Youre one of my own children!" (O’Connor 132). These words are definitely not to influence the killer against shooting her but it is her saving moment of grace where she realizes the hollowness of her hitherto existence and recognizes the Misfit as the medium of the grace. O’Connor was compassionate to her

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Financial Analysis of a Publicly-Traded Company Research Paper

Financial Analysis of a Publicly-Traded Company - Research Paper Example However, after conversion of preferred stock held by the US government into a common stock, US government is the largest stakeholder of the company to the tune of over $25 billion (Stempel, 2009). Q.2 Identify the five (5) forces of competition and how it impacts the company. Porter's five forces of competition describe Citigroup’s relative standing in the financial market and the impact these forces may crate on the company can be elaborated under the following heads (Porter, 2008). Threat of Entry from Other organizations Banking business requires huge resources and credibility to begin with and that will surely create an entry barrier for a new entrant. The economies of scale go in favor of the Citi as that helps Citi to provide the services to the consumers at affordable cost. There is always a moderate threat from overseas players to enter in the niche area of Citi. Supplier Power Citi is in the business of financial services. Deposit holders provide huge chunk of capital to the Citi. In most of the cases, they do not have any bargaining power as they are in millions scattered all around and individually too small to dictate any terms. Currently, money flows globally and forward and backward integration of the companies in financial service business can create some turbulent times to the Citigroup but that applies to all firms within the financial market. Buyer Power Being in the financial services business, retail buyers do not have any bargaining power as such and they need to buy as per the market offerings. It is true that business moves in favor of the market-driven company but buyers bargaining power in the financial sector is not substantial to tilt the scale against the companies in this sector. Institutional buyers are the informed buyers and they do possess bargaining power to a certain extent because they buy in bulk; however, that bargaining power is not always one-sided. Financial products are inherently complex in nature and buyers hav e limited capacity to understand them though they do get substitutes in the market. This factor is not likely to affect much to the company like Citigroup. Rivalry Factor There are numerous competitors in the financial services business in retail and the institutional sectors; however, brand equity is superb in case of Citi. Mergers and acquisition is a common phenomenon in the financial sector. Size of the corporation does matter and Citigroup is one of the giant in the financial sector business so that is always a plus point for the company. Usually, companies change the hands but do no prefer to exit completely as sector offers lucrative business opportunities in the long run. Product differentiation is always possible to carve a suitable niche for the company and Citi has been doing the same for several decades. Substitution Threats Due to numerous players in the financial service sector business, substitute products are always available and the consumers weigh them with all pro s and cons. Citi also faces the issue of

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

My Philosophy Of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

My Philosophy Of Education - Essay Example For coming up with me very own philosophy of education I researched various educational philosophers’, each had some different and interesting insights. My philosophy of education is inspired by my past teachers and the educational system that I have been brought up and taught in, counselors, coaches, and other role models in my life and these education philosophers with their different philosophies’. I take all the positive influences and the positive and effective approaches which were used on me and I keep them in mind try to use them in even a better way so that I could also bring out best from my students. Talking about my beliefs on education and educational system, John Dewey’s philosophy stood closest to it. My educational philosophy follows John Dewey’s concept of education as a tool to have a meaningful life. My philosophy follows his criteria of valuing all students and believing in their in unique intelligences and providing them with an open and fear free environment where they are free to share their ideas. My moral compass is that all students deserve to be treated equally and fairly, without any biasness and no matter what no student should be made to feel stupid as this would also negate the fear free environment then.... We all posses these intelligences but some posses some more by jus merely exercising them more often which makes them more creative, smart, and â€Å"intelligent† then others. (Howard Gardner’s: Multiple Intelligences) We all do have equal intelligences it means but some need to practice and polish them more than others. â€Å"One could teach what one didn’t know, and a poor and an ignorant father could if he was emancipated, conduct the education of his children, without the aid of any master explicator- â€Å"universal teaching† –to learn something and to relate to it all the rest by this principle: all men have equal intelligences† (The Ignorant Schoolmaster: Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation- all students are equally intelligent) . A teacher’s duty is to encourage the student to keep trying and not to b afraid if he fails once and not to get tired in this trial as he will succeed as everyone is equally intelligent. In accor dance to my knowledge, experience and research education and intelligence are very subjective terms. Educating a student is not only making him memorize facts and get them to spit back logic only, it is far beyond that. It is to give somebody a meaningful life; just like John Dewey’s saying and that is why I can relate to his philosophies. It is to enrich children’s lives, get them to explore and find their place in life, and for them not be afraid to fail encourage them and take chances, to speak and share their opinion their ideas. Change the ideology of failure, as an end, but as a lesson to be learned and not be afraid of it. Same goes for the term intelligence, not necessarily a student with higher score on

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

NIKE Stock Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

NIKE Stock Analysis - Research Paper Example The paper presents SWOT analysis that helps the company identify various parameters for strengths and weaknesses in a business scenario. Diversification procedure requires an established in the most viable way. This will make sure that the risk attribute is no longer a problem in any undertakings. The analysis of the company and its business depicts a variety of shoes products that displays at the company’s platform. Footwear and other athletic products and accessories make up a large part of the company’s priority areas. Other key products line includes the athletic apparel, sporting equipments, athletic shoes and other internationally recognized sports gear. The strategic analysis of Nike revolves around the strong point derived by the quality products offered by the company. In the footwear products and the apparel, a lot of innovation encompasses such moves and the final products of such innovation are a high quality tailor product that engages the user. The marketi ng inclination of Nike products reaches a substantial market segment. The advertising procedure employed by the company reveal many product features that correspond to the actual product components. A hugely weighty issue to put in to consideration is the quality of Nike's products. The quality achievement by Nike involved a lot of market research at the inception stage. This created a stable market grounds that has continued to ensure a high demand in the mainstream products. There is a revealed competitive strategy enjoyed on a exceptionally strong point.The concentration of the company in to a large product offering is indifference. Differentiated strategy works well with Nike. The company encounters a lot of competition. Companies like Abercrombie & Fitch offers to compete products in the same field of business. Nike engages in product variation. This aims to see to it that its products meet every day specific needs of its customers. The long-standing culture of the company requ ires a through products review so that a high and top priority is concentrated to the home products.A high corporate culture strengthens the company’s long-term existence in its business industry. Employee loyalty and product branding necessitated a need for company branding. The achievement of such a task had an overhaul in the overall marketing strategy of the firm. Coffee cups branding and engrossing â€Å"Nike† influenced the product line of products. This further increases a high sense of promotion to the corporate company image. Nike’s headquarters does not appear like a normal office. It is branded the name â€Å"campus† to create a positive sense to the employee’s welfare. The players in the industry cohabitate in an extraordinarily way Growth Strategy of the Firm Nike’s strategy of growth focuses on the sale increment by â€Å"40% by 2015†. The demands for the products produced by Nike are attributable to technological advanc ement. An example can be the that has about three million followers or members. There is still a focus to concentrate much on women’s product since there is an emerging demand in today’s world. This is because of women involvement in major sporting activities than ever before.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sport marketing assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sport marketing assignment - Essay Example To begin with, Nike invested significant amounts of time and money into researching, testing and tinkering with new footwear designs to ensure its products delivered performance based innovation to the consumers. In relation to product innovation, the Company was geared towards delivering the most innovative, highest performing and sustainable products in football. Secondly, the Company used enablement innovation through the creation of new ways and tools for the FOT to become a better player. Thirdly, the Company intended to connect at a deeper level by getting under the FOT’s skin and continue its impact through any marketing activity that would let the Nike brand resonates emotionally with the consumer. Fourthly, the Company intended to create a message that will open a dialogue with the consumer, beyond a sales increase linked to the World Cup, a strategy meant to foster lasting customer loyalty (Hartman & Patricia 35). Finally, was to incorporate a timing strategy that would ensure that the Company wins the battle before the opening whistle even blows. Moreover, the Company perceived the World Cup as an amplifier and not a goal but as a means to an end and a moment in time. In conclusion, Nike Corporation is committed to ensuring that it manufactures high-end quality products for its consumers to gain a competitive advantage over other brands. The company has designed a winning marketing strategy meant to communicate clearly and effectively to the target athletic consumers and major football

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Sovereignty of Parliament Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Sovereignty of Parliament - Essay Example The basic tenets of these are based on the precepts of the Constitution itself.3 A. V. Dicey in 1885 summarized in his definition of the Rule of Law three areas are comprised: English law is what rules the citizens, not those that establish the law or choose to use it for their own advantage; there is an intrinsic understanding that all are equal under the law; and lastly that a constitution is a result of the laws of the land not the converse.4 One of the most contentious issues of debate concerning the Constitution remains the Sovereignty of Parliament. ... ant role is that of a legitimizer of the government's actions,6 dating back to one of the founding documents of the British Constitution, the Magna Carta.7 Written in 1215, the Magna Carta laid the cornerstone of the Sovereignty of Parliament in that it limited the power of the monarch by written grant.8 Modern Parliament was formulated with the passage of the Act of Union 1707 with the joining of the Scotland under the federal rule of Britain while still allowing them some autonomy.9 The British Common Law constitution acknowledges the sovereighness of the monarchy; however, it affirms that likewise, as they must uphold the law, they are powerless to change it; that rests solely with Parliament.10 Several cases upholding its Sovereignty follow. Pickin v British Railways Board [1974] HL upheld the Supremacy of Parliament in that the judicial challenge of any act of Parliament is disallowed.11 Vauxhall Estates v Liverpool Corporation [1932] DC held that the Sovereignty of Parliament is assured and no Parliament may bind another parliament.12 Similarly, Ellen Street Estates Ltd v Minister of Health [1934] held that the Sovereignty of Parliament was absolute and there is no judicial review allowed.13 The 1998 Human Rights Act (HRA) has, some suggested, further weakened the Sovereignty of Parliament. Section 19 of this Act is particularly important in that without its full knowledge and clear understanding Parliament will not enact any legislation incompatible with the convention without its full knowledge and understanding. The Minister is required upon introducing a bill to Parliament to make a clear statement as to, in his opinion, the bill contradicts the convention. If he is unable to make a determination as to compatibility he is required to state

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Affinity Orientation Discrimination Cases Study Essay Example for Free

Affinity Orientation Discrimination Cases Study Essay Imagine that you are a department manager and you find out that a man you work with has become a woman, or you find out a woman you work with enjoys the private company of woman, would these concepts cause you to discriminate against your employees in the workplace? Analysis of case studies, understanding applicable laws, and recommending clearly defined policies for the workplace will assist with understanding and preventing affinity orientation discrimination. It is important in todays workplace to have an intricate understanding of the difference between affinity orientation and the word sex as it pertains to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII). The term sex referred to in Title VII represents the gender of an individual employee. Affinity orientation refers to the intimate relationship that an individual may have with another individual of the same gender, or an individuals desire to become the opposite gender, either temporarily or permanently. There are various types of affinity orientation, none of which are protected by Title VII (Bennett-Alexander, 2001 p.243). One example affinity orientation would be a woman who is a lesbian or a man who is gay. It is becoming increasingly popular for men and women to have a surgical procedure performed to become the opposite gender; this too is a form of affinity orientation. Affinity orientation has become a subject of adversity in the workforce as a result of there being little protection against discrimination for employees participating in the various types of affinity orientation. Case study analysis is a method that management can utilize to better understand affinity orientation in the workplace and preventing discrimination. Case Study #1 Michael is employed at ABC Hospital as an operating nurse. Michael had taken a leave of absence from work to have a gender change operation. Upon Michaels return to work at ABC Hospital Michael wanted to be addressed by  the name Michelle. Since Michelle completed the gender change surgical procedures she felt that she had the right to utilize the womens locker room and shower like all the other women employed at ABC Hospital. The male employees did not want Michelle to use the mens locker room because of her gender change. The women refused to share the womens locker room with Michelle, because the women knew of Michelles original gender. At ABC Hospital it is standard procedure for operating room nurses to wear unisex surgical scrubs. Therefore, I do not see the reason why she want use the men locker and shower room. Michelle is not wearing a uniform dress with a cap as a nurse while at work. I feel that she is still considered as a man. Michelle is hoping to file discrimination against her co-workers since having the sex change because no one is accepting her as a female. If she were hired as a male she should not feel discriminatory. I think that she should be accommodated with a locker room and shower that is for either a man or a woman. Case Study #2 Tracy is a lesbian who alleges that she has been denied an internal company promotion due to the fact that her department manager does not want to support her lesbian lifestyle. Mr. Green, Tracys department manager, is accused of discriminating against Tracy by not writing her a letter of recommendation for a promotion. Tracy feels that the excellent yearly performance reviews that Mr. Green wrote for her entitles her to obtain a letter of recommendation from Mr. Green. There are legitimate reasons for Tracys discrimination claim to be denied. Title VII offers protection against discrimination at the workplace; however, Title VII does not protect against affinity orientation in the workplace. There are no federal laws that prevent a person from being fired or refused a job on the basis of affinity orientation. There are however, the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America, that offer freedom of speech, the right to privacy, and equal  protection under law (Bennett-Alexander, 2001, p.243). Tracy does not have a discrimination claim against her department manager Mr. Green as a result of affinity orientation. Tracys supervisor Mr. Green gave her excellent annual performance evaluations that are more than sufficient enough to apply and expect to be eligible any company promotions. Mr. Green is not obligated to give employees letters of recommendation for promotions, transfers, or applications for employment inside or outside of the company where he is employed as a department manager. The company followed all employee performance review procedures correctly. It is standard practice for companies to place the best-suited candidate in vacant positions. The use of employment evaluations ensures that all candidates are given equal opportunity for job advancements. Should Mr. Green have given Tracy poor performance evaluations on a consistent basis, Tracy may have been able to prove a discrimination claim. It is important to have set policies in place to keep employees informed of what criteria must be met for company advancement or promotions. Employment manuals are a suitable method of ensuring that employees are notified of company policies. In an effort to eliminate future claims of discrimination in the workplace relating to company advancement, Mr. Green should have established set policies regarding letters of recommendation. It is recommended that Mr. Green have the employee manual clearly state that department managers are not permitted to write referral letters for employees applying any positions within the company. The policy would be based on the fact that a letter of recommendation made by a department manager could indicate preference in the workplace and unfair advantage for certain employees. Another option Mr. Green could have implemented would be to permit employees to obtain letters of recommendation from sources outside of the company. Outside recommendations could strengthen an employees resume while not creating the opportunity for discrimination in the workplace. An implemented policy that addresses the importance of an employees ability to meet and  satisfy the requirements of the position would lessen the likeliness of a discrimination claim. Regardless of which position the company takes with respect to letters of recommendation, employees would be advised of company policies well in advance of applying for any positions within the company. Taking precautions in the workplace through the use of implemented policies can eliminate potential discrimination claims. Analyzing case studies, reviewing applicable laws, and recommending policies for the workplace are an excellent method of preventing affinity orientation discrimination. References Bennett-Alexander, D. D., Hartman, L. P. (2001). Employment Law for Business (III ed.) Boston, Massachusetts: Mc Graw-Hill Primis.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Finding Forrester Analysis

Finding Forrester Analysis The film Finding Forrester is a movie about a young boy, Jamal Wallace (Rob Brown) that lives in the Bronx. He has an intellectual talent for writing, quite contrary to his stereotypical ghetto friends. Jamal meets and befriends William Forrester, once a great Pulitzer Prize winning author who now lives in solitary. Forrester mentors Jamal and teaches him life lessons. Jamal in turn helps Forrester break free of his tough, leathery shell and reclusive life. This movie, although slightly boring and predictable, highlights the breakdown of stereotypes in our culture and the relationships that blossom through pure chance. I do not recommend watching this movie in theaters; save your money. Overall, the storyline is unoriginal and dull. It begins during a casual basketball game. Jamal and his friends notice someone hiding behind a window curtain, looking down at them. Known to the boys as The Window, William Forrester (Sean Connery) lives alone, never leaving his apartment. This may sound interesting, but to me, this is the only part of the movie that raises curiosity and suspense. After school one day, Jamals friends dare him to break into the authors apartment. Jamal climbs in through the window and ultimately gets spooked by Forrester, leaves his book bag behind, and flees down the fire escape. If it were my home, the police would be called; however, Forrester doesnt find it necessary. Surprisingly, the next day Jamals backpack is dropped to the street. Well, Jamal recovers his book bag and he finds his journals marked up with corrections, praises and other remarks. Unbelievably, Jamal, wishing to discuss the editorial markups in his journal, returns to Forresters ap artment. I cannot imagine a teenager returning to confront the owner of the apartment he broke into the day before. After knocking on the door, the grumpy author hollers at him to stay away and tells him he should consider writing a 5000 word essay on why he belongs out of his house. The following day, Jamal returns to deliver the essay by leaving it outside Forresters door. Can you guess what happens next? I can. These two characters officially meet face to face the following day when Jamal returns to ask about the essay he left behind. Forrester allows Jamal to enter his home. After a few racist remarks were sputtered, testing Jamals character, a unique friendship begins. Would you befriend Jamal after he breaks into your home? Also, I do not believe black men or women would tolerate racial slurs or remarks that Forrester feels necessary to express. To me the clichà ©, only in the movies rings true. Resuming with the plot, Forrester is amazed at Jamals writing and begins to couns el him on intellect, writing, and life. During this time Jamal receives a scholarship to an à ©lite private school typically attended by rich children with a far different background than him. There he meets Claire Spence (Anna Paquin) and his professor, Henry Crawford (F. Murray Abraham). Claire shows Jamal around his new school and a strong bond cultivates. However, Professor Henry Crawford believes Jamal is only attending the school for his basketball skills and cant believe he is there for any other reason. After all, Jamal is an avid basketball player. The school is inevitably hoping to receive the coveted trophy at the end of the season and Jamal is the boy to do it. After several weeks, Crawford accuses Jamal of plagiarism when he submits a paper he wrote for a writing contest. Conflict and unexciting suspense finally happens again when the professor claims the paper had similarities to an essay Forrester once published. When Jamal refuses to admit he plagiarized or received permission from Forrester himself, he was eliminated from the competition. I would not go out of my way to watch this movie. The ending, with its rather soft climax and humdrum resolution provides entertainment for Sunday mornings when you have absolutely nothing else to do, but watch television. Although, Sean Connery did a wonderful job playing the character of author, William Forrester, I would rather see him playing the role of 007 in James Bond or something with a bit more excitement. I do not think he could do a horrendous job acting even if he was casted in this monotonous movie. Rob Browns acting of Jamal Wallace is rather mediocre. His movements and actions throughout the film were forgettable. I believe he did a satisfactory job representing his character; I just cant brag about his acting abilities in this film. Although, he never plays a leading role, F. Murray Abraham, is also an experienced actor. He ranks near the top of the list with Sean Connery. He did an acceptable job performing his role as Professor Henry Crawford. Even though his character was slightly far-fetched, his acting was believable. At the very end of the film, Matt Damon makes an appearance as Forresters attorney. He is an excellent actor, but the part he plays in Finding Forrester is extremely small. Overall the actors received a passable grade for their abilities to play their parts in this somewhat lame movie. We expect far-fetched movie plots in science fiction or movies about green, three-headed monsters. While watching this flick, you want to believe what you see is true and some aspects are indeed genuine. Every day, we see intellectual children and teenagers do remarkable things, achieve the unachievable. Personally, if you are going to make a film that others can relate to, specifically, black, inner city teenagers, then everything in the storyline should be realistic. Honestly, I have to admit, I find movies that break stereotypical boundaries motivational, but I would not waste my money paying inflated ticket prices to see Finding Forrester in the theater. I suppose every movie cant be full of suspense and action. To me, this 3 out of 5 star movie is best watched on HBO or Showtime. Save your money. Dont see it at the theaters. Finding Forrester, Dir. Gus Van Sant, 2000, Columbia; Fountainbridge Films; Laurence Mark Productions, DVD, 136 minutes. CAST: Sean Connery: William Forrester Rob Brown: Jamal Wallace F. Murray Abraham: Professor Henry Crawford Anna Paquin: Claire Spence Busta Rhymes: Terrell April Grace: Ms. Joyce Michael Pitt: Coleridge Michael Nouri: Dr. Spence Richard Easton: Matthews Glen Fitzgerald: Massie Zane R. Copeland Jr.: Damon Stephanie Berry: Janice Fly Williams III: Fly Damany Mathis: Kenzo Damien Lee: Clay Matthew Noah Word: Coach Garrick Charles Bernstein: Dr. Simon Matt Malloy: Bradley Matt Damon: Sanderson RATING: C 3 out of 5 stars

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Critiquing a Clique Site :: Essays Papers

Critiquing a Clique Site Looking back, I realize that as a high school student, I was a member of a clique. I was in the â€Å"band geek† clique, but still, it was a clique. We had our own members, we snubbed some of those that didn’t belong in our group (well, the ones who had their own cliques and that snubbed us first), and we all got along well enough. This is what high school is about: groups. A high school student has to be in a group of some kind, or else something is wrong with that person in the eyes of other students. This is the way of the clique. That is why I have chosen to do my research paper on cliques, and I have chosen to do this paper for those people who know everything about the internet, and nothing about cliques. I found the site, This site deals with healthy choices for kids in grades six to eight, and was published by the Marquette General Hospital in 1998. This site is a good resource for parents a nd teens alike so they know how to deal with the pressure of cliques. The hardships of being in a clique can take their toll on a young teenager, first being part of the in group, then having a falling out and being enemies with those who were friends just days before. This is just one part of the dark side of cliques; the other, more worse part is being a scapegoat for a clique. This is usually a former member of the clique that was outcast, or it is an outsider that has been picked to be the target of humiliation by the clique. There is also the torment of being a former member no longer liked by the group. This ridicule is different for boys and girls: girls will most likely be ridiculed verbally, or will be given the silent treatment; boys will become the target of physical abuse. This site is to help parents learn how to deal with such treatment. The site says first for parents to be proactive. This will help them learn about their child’s social status, and will help them learn about their child’s friends. One of the best ways to find this information is to be active in the child’s class, volunteering for field trips, and helping out will give the parent some idea about what is going on in the class.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Attica State Prison Uprising September 13, 1971 Essay -- Research Hist

Attica State Prison Uprising September 13, 1971 George Jackson the most famous political prisoner in the 70's and leader of the Black Panther Party was incarcerated at San Quentin Prison in California. He was killed by the State on August 21, 1971. Because of this Attica inmates organized a hunger strike and wore black arm bands. George Jackson's revolutionary writings in his book he had written "Soledad Brother'; was passed from inmate to inmate inside Attica State Prison, which had an enormous impact on the prisoners awareness of their feelings. Mr. Jackson's death lead to the direct uprising of New York's Attica State Correctional facility which was approximately two weeks after George Jackson's death. The uprising of New York's Attica State Correctional Facility is known as the most notorious prison riot in American History. During this time New York's Governor Nelson Rockefeller ran the Attica State prison as forced labor camps as well as other state prisons. Attica State Prison during this time also had an all white correctional staff and eighty-five percent of Attica's prisoners were Black and Latino. Working conditions in Attica State Prison were unbearable, prisoners were political, poor and maltreated. Hygienic conditions were very bad and medical care was practically non-existent. Prisoners average pay was 40 cents a day for manufacturing mattresses, shoes and license plates, prisoners never saw a lawyer, were prevented from defending themselves, wer...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Macbeths Images and Imagery Essay -- Free Essay Writer

Macbeth's Imagery      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  William Shakespeare in the tragedy Macbeth very skillfully uses imagery to support other aspects of the drama, especially the theme. In this essay let us examine the imagery, including literary critical comment.    Roger Warren comments in Shakespeare Survey 30 , regarding Trervor Nunn's direction of Macbeth at Stratford-upon-Avon in 1974-75, on opposing imagery used to support the opposing notions of purity and black magic:    Much of the approach and detail was carried over, particularly the clash between religious purity and black magic. Purity was embodied by Duncan, very infirm (in 1974 he was blind), dressed in white and accompanied by church organ music, set against the black magic of the witches, who even chanted 'Double, double to the Dies Irae. (283)    L.C. Knights in the essay "Macbeth" explains the supporting role which imagery plays in Macbeth's descent into darkness:    To listen to the witches, it is suggested, is like eating "the insane root, That takes the reason prisoner" (I.iii.84-5); for Macbeth, in the moment of temptation, "function," or intellectual activity, is "smother'd in surmise"; and everywhere the imagery of darkness suggests not only the absence or withdrawal of light but - "light thickens" - the presence of something positively oppressive and impeding.   (101)    In Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye shows how the playwright uses imagery to reinforce the theme:    This theme is at its clearest where we are most in sympathy with the nemesis. Thus at the end of Macbeth, after the proclamation "the time is free," and of promises to make reparations of Macbeth's tyranny "Which would be planted newly with... and Noble, 1970.    Frye, Northrop. Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1967.    Kermode, Frank. "Macbeth." The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972.    Knights, L.C. "Macbeth." Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collectiion of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964.    Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth., no lin.    Warren, Roger. Shakespeare Survey 30.   N.p.: n.p., 1977. Pp. 177-78. Rpt. in Shakespeare in the Theatre: An Anthology of Criticism. Stanley Wells, ed. England: Oxford University Press, 2000.    Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.   

Monday, September 16, 2019

Aristotle, Kant and Mills on Morals, Morality and Moral Philosophy Essay

The human social and personal life has become more and more complex. Over time, individual thinkers and intellectuals have consistently delved and investigated many important aspects of the human way of life. One of which is the investigation of how people rationalize their actions based on the socially-shared concept of right and wrong. Every time an individual acts, the deeply embedded instinct to question whether the action is right or wrong is influenced by the concept known as morality which is important in the society . Today, morality as an idea and as a practice and social feature remains unstable because it is still subject to change. This is the reason why morality is never cast in stone and that is why there is a saying that not all moral actions are legal and not all legal actions are moral. What morality affects is an aspect of life that greatly varies based on case-to-case situations and scenarios. It is difficult to define what morality is, and more importantly, what morality expects from the people. Helping the people understand that and manage this dilemma are the ideas of thinkers like John Stuart Mills, Immanuel Kant and Aristotle, who provided explanations and ideas regarding morality, what it is, what it entails, what to do with it, how to use it, etc. They are famous during their time and even in their present because of their intellectual gifts, how they used it and what resulted from it, these individuals proved to be instrumental in exploring and explaining the extent of morality and moral philosophy. They opened ideas regarding morality and moral philosophy that acted as guide for people to better understand it and live and act in accordance to what they believe are suitable tenets in their own way of life. History has viewed Kant, Mills and Aristotle as important pillars in the discussion of morality and moral philosophy. What people feel vis-a-vis what people are subjected to by law are all making its impact in how morality develops, shifts and change every day. It is important that individuals have a solid understanding of what these ideas are, how they differ or are similar with other ideas and how it can impact human life. II. Discussion A. Morality What is morality? For the longest time, morality has been strongly debated by many of the world’s greatest thinkers in the hope of finding a concrete and definitive answer to this inquiry en route to a useful application of such ideas in practical everyday lives. In the past as well as in the present, morality has often figured significantly in the many different affairs and activities of human beings. It is a set of beliefs. It includes important aspects like punishment and reward system in societies as well as traditional practices among others . Society has been strongly dependent and influenced by the concept of morality especially those which are socially shared. Morality has long existed but in the past was hardly explored, explained and defined. With the works of philosophers like Aristotle, Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mills, among others, morality and the philosophy operating it has been explained and explored, especially in consideration to how people act or in anticipation of how people will and should act. Morality is an important aspect of social and personal life that influences and dictates the actions of human beings and how the society and other human beings respond to it. It is hard to imagine world without the concept of morality as it is. It may be presented in another words or terms but the ethos of such idea will persist. The human nature is naturally attuned to discovering and exploring a natural aspect of human interaction such as morality. Through the established ideas of morality accepted by the society, an action is defined as right or wrong, moral or immoral (although in case to case basis it is often more complex than that). Morality acts as a guide. The society hopes that through aspects like morality, people can have an organized set of actions and the social life will not fall into chaos. As an important indicator of what is right and what is wrong, morality and morals of the individuals have always been subjected to investigation. This is done to see if the existing parameter for the identification of morality and what is moral or immoral is acceptable, and if necessary, challenged to influence the entry of change. Individuals like the thinkers Kant, Mill and Aristotle tried to find out and explain the implications of morality, as well as its scope and boundaries. They explained whether it is a simple code of conduct or is it something more, something reflective of the real and true character of the individual which is innate even without the influence of external rules. â€Å"What is at stake is whether morality is essentially a system of rules, which persons can obey for whatever reasons, or something that is broader in its demands – a system that reaches to the ingredients of the characters or personalities of those who obey its rules . † B. Morality according to philosophers i. Immanuel Kant – Immanuel Kant was a very insightful and talented thinker and intellectual who made his mark in history based on what he offered to the world as important ideas in many different fields of human way of life. His position on morality and moral theory is characterized by his creation of what is known as the Categorical Imperative or simply CI. For Kant, discerning what is moral or immoral is simply based on how the individual acts according to the Categorical Imperative. Being consistent with what the Categorical Imperative requires mean that the action and the individual is moral, while varying or deviating from the Categorical Imperative is equal to being immoral. Basically, what Kant is trying to point out here via his Categorical Imperative is the idea that morality is something that should be hinged on a particular set of standards established and shared by the society pertaining to what is acceptable and what is unacceptable action. Kant rationalizes that the individual should be free to pursue or deviate from the Categorical imperative. The individual is a rational being and not a being that is merely driven by emotional motors without consideration to reason. He or she is free and endowed with autonomy to make the distinction in recognizing moral and immoral actions. The individual pursues what could be moral or immoral in the person’s perspective and the perspective of other people or community. Kant’s position on morality is found in his several published works which have been extensively read, critiqued and reviewed by other individuals, who, like Kant are also intently pursuing the philosophy of morality and the ideas affecting it. These include â€Å"The Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals†, followed by â€Å"The Critique of Practical Reason†, â€Å"The Metaphysics of Morals, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. † His writing entitled â€Å"Religion Within the Boundaries of Mere Reason† also touches the topic of morality and is important in moral theories. ii. Aristotle – Aristotle is a thinker who has explored many different aspects of human social life and has contributed many different important ideas. One of the things that Aristotle talked about in his works is morality. Aristotle is known for his contribution to the philosophy of morality. Despite the fact that Aristotle is well respected as a thinker, critical analysis of his works on moral philosophy still revealed some key holes and weaknesses in his overall concept . Some of the ideas that Aristotle explored with regards to morality and moral philosophy include the idea that the main consideration in morality is having people consider what is best for the many and not for the few. Aristotle’s discussion of morality is also focused on virtue, and the consideration and role of money and material consideration and the weighing of material and non material considerations when it comes to what constitutes happiness. In turn, it is an important consideration in assessing moral and immoral actions. It can be considered that Aristotle was practical and realistic in his approach to explaining morality, even giving ideas in simple construction, like how it is not easy to be good, as reflected in his work Nichomachean Ethics . iii. John Stuart Miller – John Stuart Mill has been considered as one of the individuals in the nineteenth century who talked about morality and provided new ideas regarding morality and moral philosophy. Many believed that Mill’s ideas were actually off shoot from other ideas in the past like those presented by intellectuals like John Locke and David Hume among others. Critics and analysts believe that what Mill did was consolidate some of the important ideas of these philosophers and develop and new approach in understanding morality and moral philosophy to help guide people and their way of life and way of thinking. This results to a society in tune with moral paradigms and is assisted in defining what is right and wrong actions and way of life. Mill is identified with the utilitarian approach in moral philosophy. This means Mill believes in the idea that the morality of the action of the individual is assessed by the consequences of that action which makes considerations on action utilitarian. The society judges the actions based on what it can do to the people or society. C. Similarities The three philosophers provide moral philosophy outlooks that share similarities based on what they imply and based on its characteristics as well. For example, critics and analysts believe that the theories of the three in morality are considered as normative. These are the kinds of theories that people should value and put importance to. â€Å"Kant, Mill and Aristotle are offering normative theories; theories of what we should value . † The moral philosophy design of Aristotle, Mill and Kant also shares the similar belief that part of the concept to be good which is important in morality is the recognition that it is difficult to act in such a way that is perceived by the society as good. The concept of what is difficult and what makes the actions difficult vary from one philosopher to the other . Also, morality plays an important part in Mill, Kant and Aristotle’s explanation of other related concepts integral to morality, like ethics, for example . One of the similarities of the three individuals with regards to their pursuit of and contribution to the concept of morals, morality and the moral philosophy is that they are all responsible each for three different perspective, approaches and ideas on morals and morality based on what they have popularized. Aristotle has his Nicomachean Ethics while Kant has his Categorical Imperative. Lastly, Mill has his Utilitarianism . Kant and Mill, two philosophers whose lives are closer to one another compared to the differences in time span with that of Aristotle, has become a factor that resulted in the creation of similarities in their ideas regarding moral philosophy. Larmore explained that the moral philosophy of both Mill and Kant are considered as liberal theories. It is characterized by consistent similarities between the two moral philosophies that featured ideas such as the autonomy and independence of individual in relation to morality, among others . â€Å"Liberal political theory since Kant and Mill has usually presented itself as an all-encompassing moral theory committed to overall personal ideals such as autonomy or an experimental attitude towards ways of life . † Both Kant and Mill also focused on the role and importance of virtue, citing the idea that virtue is a driving force behind achieving morality. Morality, in turn, is realized because of how virtue manipulates individuals towards action. â€Å"Kant and Mill both wrote about the importance of virtues. Still, in their views of morality, what makes for a virtue is the fact that the agent acts in accordance with the fundamental principle of morality . † Also, another similarity, this time between Kant and Mill, is their similar use and advocacy regarding human freedom regarding action and the pursuit of morality. For these two individuals and their moral philosophy, an important idea postulated is that of the role of autonomous human beings being empowered by freedom to choose their actions and by themselves consider what is moral and what immoral actions are. An important characteristic of the ideas of Kant, Mill and Aristotle when it comes to moral philosophy is the shared similarity of the three which made them a collective whole in the analysis of moral theory and philosophy. Prinz, in his book â€Å"The emotional construction of morals†, explained that when moral philosophies are examined collectively, Mill, Kant and Aristotle’s ideas comprise a particular group from which other groups involving different ideas are compared and contrasted with. An example is how the approaches of Hume and Nietzsche are compared to the collective similar ideas of Mill, Kant and Aristotle. â€Å"It is important to see that Hume and Nietzsche are doing something very different from Kant, Mill and Aristotle . † D. Differences i. The different ideas – In many different ways, the philosophical approaches of these three individuals vary from one another. For example, both Aristotle and Mill put forward reasonable, practical and understandable constructs and designs for their moral philosophy and the expectations of the humans and the societies in this matter. In comparison, Kant appears to be extreme in his ideas and in his expectations of the people and the society if his approach on moral philosophy would be followed. For example, Kant was expecting that the rest of the society and other people will rigidly follow behaviors indicative of moral behavior when the truth is, it is more complex than this. Also, Aristotle and Mill’s moral philosophies are considered teleological while that of Kant is considered deontological . Others believe that Aristotle was developing something which differs from the point of focus of the works of Mill and Kant, especially in the idea that moral philosophy can be a guidebook for some, while for others simply the identification of the idea good person . ii. Differences in lieu of God, religion and morality – In comparing the approaches, perspectives and moral takes of these three individuals on morality, morals and the philosophy of morality, it is noticeable how the concept of god and religion has often figured in this equation, and how the three individuals handled them differently. There is Kant who believes that the autonomous individual exercises free will and the belief that this act is a manifestation of God’s will and that reason is used to identify and understand morality. Mill, on the other hand, believes that morality does not include God in the equation and the identification of morality is dependent strongly on the consideration of the individual of his happiness or pleasure. Unlike Kant who believes that as morality is dependent on the individual, so is the individual answerable for his actions on morality and immorality. Mill believes that the individual is not the only entity answerable in morality but society as well. It appears that Aristotle sides with the idea that morality is dependent on the conscious course of action of the individual. This creates moral virtues which in turn influences and determines actions and whether or not they lean towards morality or otherwise. In the idea of virtue, differences are found, especially in comparison to the moral philosophies of Aristotle, Kant and Mill wherein Mill and Kant are in similar standing in the idea and concept of virtue different from how Aristotle perceived it. â€Å"For Aristotle, virtue is basic in a way which it is not for Kant and Mill. That is a crucial difference that is reflected in their theories as overall . † Aristotle provides a very good model for morality, explaining that morality and the pursuit of moral living should be aided by other aspects of life, like education. By being educated, the individual can act better in a way that morality is being considered more significantly in the actions. E. Analysis An important consideration to the understanding of, as well as appreciation, of the moral philosophies of the three moral philosophers is not just based on what the individual analyst or critic is experiencing at the moment and what the individual is biased for or against. Rather, it is based on the context by which they are trying to define and explain morality. It is important that regardless of their differences and similarities as ideas. All of these perspectives are based on an important foundation, and that is the reason through which the philosopher propels his or her ideas (in this case â€Å"his† since all three are male philosophers). As Rosenstand explained it, analysis and criticism of any of these ideas first require the individual to be able to understand the point of reason of these philosophers, why they are trying to say what they are saying and why this is how they see things. â€Å"If we were to ask Kant, Mill, Aristotle, or just about any moral thinker, he or she would say we must try to appeal to their reason . † This phenomenon, in a way, is indicative of the social condition. Societies vary from one another when it comes to their collective idea of morality as well as the differences in the personal preferences on morality. They all have their reasons why their morality and their moral philosophies are designed as it is. III. Conclusion The philosophers Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill and Aristotle are individuals and thinkers who explored and discussed morality and in the process helped people in defining standards for life and way of life. These individuals are important because people has the need to understand how they should act and under what considerations. It is an idea that is important and crucial in the concept of morality and moral philosophy. Through these individuals and their ideas which are similar and different in one or many different points, people are given the chance to assess their actions and see if they are good or bad depending on the moral guides that they follow. â€Å"Kant, Mill and Aristotle are telling us what we should value . † Bibliography Bailey, Andrew. First Philosophy: Fundamental Problems and Readings in Philosophy. Toronto: Broadview Press, 2004. Ben-Yehuda, Nachman. The politics and morality of deviance: moral panics, drug abuse, deviant science, and reversed stigmatization. New York: SUNY Press, 1990. Care, Norman S. Decent people. Oxford: Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. D’Andrea, Thomas D. Tradition, rationality, and virtue: the thought of Alasdair MacIntyre. Vermont: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. , 2006.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Nelson Mandela a Transformation Leader

Nelson Mandela A Transformation Leader This week we are asked to discuss a prominent leader that we admire, Nelson Mandela was an easy choice for me. An effective leader according to the text is â€Å"someone who works with, motivates, and helps followers to attain their common organizational goals† (Weiss, 2011, p. 234). This definition is true of Mandela and his transformational leadership style has impacted his followers and the people around him. I think he is a transformational leader that many leaders should inspire to become more like.Mandela used his ethical, charismatic, authority to inspire his nation to change and exemplifies transformational leadership. The four characteristics of a transformational leader, along with other characteristics like charisma, ethics, and being a servant are all embodied in the leadership of Mandela and make him a true inspiration. A transformational leader according to the text â€Å"influence, inspire move and latterly transform follo wers to achieve organizational goals beyond their self interest’(Weiss, 2011, p. 1). Nelson Mandela freed South Africa from the system of racism and violent prejudice to help the whole nation. He often said that â€Å"Courage is not the absence of fear–it's inspiring others to move beyond it†(Stengel, 2008, par. 5). This is one of the major components of a transformational leader, the ability to inspire others. He used his inspirational motivation to focus efforts and unite the entire nation. Nelson spent his life being the role model he wanted others to follow.When he got out of jail he included the people he despised such as his jailers and the people that imprisoned him in his cabinet because he knows the importance of elevating others. One article stated that Mandela did this because â€Å" leadership is not about helping those who already love you to love you more – it’s about convincing those who doubt you that you can be trusted† (Bar ling, 2010, p. 3). This is the example of idealized influence that Mandela used to be a transformational leader. He also gave individualized consideration to the people that he leads.Mandela was a very hands on leader, he took the time to learn the Afrikaans language so he could communicate with them. According to Stengel â€Å"  By speaking his opponents' language, he might understand their strengths and weaknesses and formulate tactics accordingly. But he would also be ingratiating himself with his enemy† (2008, par. 18). Nelson would attend funerals and call people on there birthdays. In using the personal approach with his followers he demonstrated the characteristics of individualized consideration in transformational leadership.He also has the last characteristic of a transformational leader, intellectual simulation. Mandela helped people even while he was imprison. He encouraged the other prisoners to educate themselves. He also helped to push the freedom charter. Ma ndela shared his knowledge and while he was in prison he would also use his education as a lawyer to help the warders with their legal problems. Mandela used his leadership style to bring changes to his country even at the expense of his freedom. Mandela also demonstrates the qualities of a servant leader.From the very beginning he had one goal of uniting both white and black Africans for the good of the nation, Nelson’s primary goal was helping others. He also was a good listener and would often be the last one to speak in conferences he had with his cabinet, he knew that letting other people think they were leading was often the best way to go. He inspired others through trust when he allowed the same people that imprisoned him to be a part of his presidency. He worked towards feasible goals and when he realized it was not feasible he let it go.For example Nelson wanted to change the voting age to fourteen but when he realized that he did not have support he let the issue g o knowing it would just be a waste of time. Mandela always helped people, even in jail he helped wardens and other inmates. Nelson used his knowledge to help people and never expected anything in return. Another great characteristic was he is authentic, what you see is what you get. Nelson Mandel is a transformational leader with ethical, charismatic, and servant characteristics that helped change a nation with a leadership style that was selfless and committed.He is the example of a leader that I would strive to be like. Having a charismatic, ethical image has helped him reach goals that others thought would not be possible. I would strive to be as inspiring as he has been in some of the tough situations he has faced. I think that he shows how positive a transformational leader can be for a country. References Barling, J. (2010) Transformational Leadership. Retrieved from http://www. iedp. com/Pages/DocumentManager/Transformational%20Leadership%20by%

Word of Thanks

Ambitions could not be fulfilled without determination; goals cannot be achieved without sacrifices, and success could not be acquired without rising above Intrigues. Our honored guest and speaker, distinguished visitors, our respected school administrator, Madam Mercy L. Sales, beloved teachers, dear parents, fellow graduates, friends, ladies and gentlemen, good morning. As students, we often complained about our difficulties and adversities. However, you all would agree with me that this difficulties and challenges made us better individuals ready to face whatever disappointments in the future.Thus, we are all here today, standing before everyone else, able to proclaim to the world that we have survived the battles we have fought for all the years we have stayed in this institution. But we would never be here today, without the help and support of the people who In one way or another are part of what we are now. This Is the right moment and occasion we can express our gratitude and give them honor. First of all, we are very much grateful to ours Almighty God, the ultimate source of our strength and courage to face life.Everything we are now and everything we will be, we offer to the honor and glory of God. Our heartfelt gratitude goes to our dearly beloved parents, who consoled us, sweated for us and guided us like a kite gliding higher into the skies. Especially, I would like to acknowledge my parents, Mr.. Remnant Mobil and Ms. Angelina Appellation whose efforts and sacrifices have nourished me colorful and beautifully. Ma, Pa, even though we don't live under the same roof, I know and I believe that you've done your part to me as my guardians.Maybe not perfectly but In a way everyone would be proud of. For me, you're the best parents in the world. To my beloved Lass, loss, uncles, mommies and daddies, thank you for the time and efforts you've given In order to help me fulfill my ambitions In life. You are all so special to me. Our sincerest thanks also go t o our wonderful teachers, who patiently taught us not only the concepts of different subjects but most especially the values of life. Teachers, thank you for helping us discover what we are able to become. Truly, you've done great help in bringing out the best in us.And of course, our profound gratitude and appreciation to our respected school principal, Madam Mercy L. Sales, for making Mulligan National High School our friendly and conducive second home. Our triumphs would not be completed without the guidance and support of our beloved Alma Matter, Mulligan National High School who nourished, built and armored us to become worthy individuals dressed In Impregnable armor of knowledge to face the more complicated, spiritual, social and political confrontations of the future. My fellow graduates, graduation carries with it the marks of success in our s not everything.We must remember that this day is not the end our struggles. Rather, it is the beginning of a serious and responsible life ahead. As we separate our ways to another chapter of our lives, let us always be reminded that we should have deep and abiding commitment to participate and dedicate ourselves to the task of building a community equals under an environment of shared community. We bring change where it is needed, expertise where it is missing and leadership where it is wanting. As Mulligan Nationalists, this is our commitment. Thank you and again, good morning.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Frankenstein The Modern Prometheus Essay

Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein also referred to as ‘The Modern Prometheus’ was written in the dark times of 1816. The novel indulges in the work of man playing God and the acts of galvanism; Victor Frankenstein dreams of one day being able to save the ones he loves from illness and maybe even death; but swiftly his dreams tarnish and soon turn to a horrific nightmare when his beloved monster turns on him. Mary Shelley gets her themes and ideas across in a variety of different ways throughout the novel, such as an in depth look towards the immortal soul and the duality of self but also subconsciously Mary spilt out her own feelings into her work adding minor themes into the novel of her life and parental neglect. Even before she was born, Mary Shelley was destined to become one of the most prominent figures in English literature. Both her parents were revolutionaries and writers: Her father William Godwin was an English journalist and novelist and one of the major proponents of anarchist philosophy Mary’s mother Mary Wollstonecraft on the other hand was renowned as being one of the earliest feminists. Shelley’s life and times effected how she illustrates the birth of Frankenstein’s monster in an immeasurable way. The environment and time Shelley grew up in really does have a huge impact on the novel due to the techniques she uses and in the way she uses her language. A vast amount of scientific breakthroughs were made at this time helping dub the early 1800’s as ‘The Age of Enlightenment’. Shelley arguably has many monumental events in her life, but in my opinion none bigger the visit to Lord Byron’s house which sparked her enthusiasm for this epic novel. She was originally given a task (along with a few other people) to individually come up with something more teeth chattering and nail biting than his poem. Shelley managed to come up with what we now know as chapter five of the novel or more commonly referred to as the birth of Frankenstein. The gothic text used in this novel is very relevant to Mary’s life at this early stage; she is right in the midst of a very dark time where unnatural practices are taking place. As well as her life and times Shelley’s parental neglect also manages to tangle itself into this colossal web of a novel. As many people well know Shelley grew up in a much upheld household but suffered from relentless disregard. Although she was cast aside for many things, she was brought into all the family discussions which at this time where souly based around the graphic and gruesome public displays of galvanism. This clearly had a major impact of Mary’s novel as a whole â€Å"I might infuse a spark of being into this lifeless thing. † This directly links towards the acts of galvanism but not only that, if you submerse yourself deeper into Shelley’s life it can also be linked towards her nightmare where she dreamt she has a stillborn which she had to rub and rub constantly to get it too live and breathe. Another thing that struck me is where the monster held is arms out like a little child would to there mum its said â€Å"Oh! No mortal could support the horror of that countenance. † Which shows Victor basically brushing him aside and running like the coward that he is? This is another major notch on the belt of Mary Shelley’s subconscious parental neglect. On top of all that the major theme in the novel is the brutality and fact of the immortal soul. Mary Shelley constantly questions the prospect of the soul all the way throughout the novel from start to finish, which really does help give the reader a very influential and emotional response. Gothic text also goes very much hand in hand with the pathetic – fallacy and juxtaposition to give back a sort of airy feel to it, using words like â€Å"wretched†, â€Å"Bed Chamber† and having the colours black and white place so closely together they almost contrast each other right on the page. These words and techniques really do give you a clear indication of the sort of time this novel was written. Dante’s Inferno (a poem about sins and the seven circles of hell) also is placed into the novel to help get the readers true reaction to what they are reading; â€Å"it became a thing such as even Dante could not have conceived. † This also relates to the soul due to the way Dante had his major beliefs of the good and bad sides of the soul and what happens to them. After all that Shelley also manages to create a void and show how the duality of self effects the book. In dictionary the duality of self is described as â€Å"the composition of two parts† whether it be the body and soul or the fact Frankenstein’s monster is joined together by many different body parts; â€Å"Catching and fearing each sound as if it were to announce the approach of the demonical corpse which I had so miserably given life. † The point I’m trying to make is that in the novel the duality is shown in a vast amount of ways, and the main way is how the monster is treated less than something you would step in words like â€Å"the wretch† used over and over help get the point across very well, Victor sees the monster as inhuman, heartless and that it has no soul. Overall it’s clear to see that Shelley has got all the ingredients for the perfect novel: the language, themes, techniques, man playing god, duality of self and the immortal soul all executed flawlessly. She shows throughout her fantastic novel the there is still a little mystery in the world, and this is a key reason why she is one of the most idolised women in gothic fiction. With the discovery of DNA and cloning pressing the issues in the world today, this novel can relate to them hands down which really shows this novel can withstand the test of time. In all of Frankenstein’s attempts to disregard the monster and his responsibilities to the beast as his creator, the monster punishes Frankenstein in the forms of murder, illness, and disruption in Victor’s life. The consequences to man’s attempt to master life and death are evident and the monster symbolizes the unpredictable element to controlling human life. Man is frequently too preoccupied with the possibility of creating life to realize the responsibility and results consequential to generating what could be a monster.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Promoting of Cigarette Smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Promoting of Cigarette Smoking - Essay Example Three approaches can be utilized to help explain the severity of the sociological aspects of smoking cigarettes. This theory analysis acts at the micro-sociological level. It aims to identify small scale (interpersonal) patterns of social interaction. Usually people use symbols to create social life to make sense and attach meanings to what they do. Interaction is usually analyzed at a face-to-face communication. [4] Considering the smoking problem, it can be said that analyzing the individual aspect of smokers is the best possible starting point. "Cigarettes have been socially engineered to become potent symbols" [5]. Children start smoking early in their teen lives to be perceived as 'cool'. A smoker is considered to be a part of the 'gang'. This may not necessarily be a true perception. Smoking is usually considered a characteristic attached to a 'bad guy'. Formal business like meetings strongly discourages smoking. Public places and business areas in many countries are banned smoking areas. People usually like to keep their proximity with a person smelling of nicotine breath and bellowing hazardous smoke [3]. Smoking doesn't always start at an early age. ... Falling into this trap leads a person into cigarette addiction which is an extremely hard habit to break [3]. This symbolic interaction theory tells us about the problems people face in the company of smokers like peer pressure. It also tells us how smokers feel as sometimes they are not accepted in the society. Functional Analysis A functional analysis focuses more on the large scale macro-sociological patterns of the society as a whole. It helps identify the relationships among the parts of a society and analyzes the functional and dysfunctional impacts on the society. [4] Generally smoking is considered a 'social evil' where people who smoke are separated from the people who smoke. This segmentation has a variety of effects on the society, major being the society's fragmentation. Smokers contribute negatively to the society as they are one of the factors that lead to a society's non-cohesiveness. It creates two segments of the society; smoking and non-smoking. The smoking segment appreciates the smokers and even lauds them. This part of the society opts for public smoking and businesses owned by this part of the society have lax rules of smoking, while the non-smoking strata are strongly against smoking in public areas. Even though smoking has segmented the society, chugging in nicotine is considered a health hazard by all. Cancer, breathing problems along with other diseases are recognized as smoking related issues [3]. For this reason, the society as a whole functions to resolve the looming health problems related to active and passive smoking. Awareness programs, health warnings on cigarette packs and anti-smoking laws and creating smoking free zones are some of the procedures societies in the world

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The rise of the German unification and how it affected the french Research Paper

The rise of the German unification and how it affected the french military policy during the period of 1840-1870 - Research Paper Example Germany is a state in Europe that rose into power during the German Unification of 1840-1870, and became a part of the Status Quo. Before it became unified, Germany entered into different wars such as the Austro-Prussian War, Danish War, and Franco-Prussian War. Prussia was a major boost for the German Unification, after it defeated Austria that had dominated Germany. The Unification was not an easy process, but the Germans were patient. Their main strengths were the growth of the economy, the effective railway network, and superior weapons. 1Today, Germany is a modern state, in the 19th Century it was made up of a collection of smaller states that formed the German Confederation. These Confederations were controlled by Austria. In the 1860`s, the control of Austria was challenged by the Prussia, the development of the unification, and codification of Germany. 2The process of unification began as a gradual evolution of economic affinity from the early stages of Industrial Revolution in the mid 19th Century, which made the German state modify towards economic unification. Some of the economic modifications were like the growth of the railway network in Germany, which made it easy to access different resources across the Confederations. This railway network helped to enhance economic growth, and economic prosperity. This growth also resulted to the formation of the Zollverin Customs union; this accordance was amongst the German states, to introduce a preferential custom policy for its members. Schleswig and Holstein were two German duchies that were under the control of the Danish. The Holstein population was largely German speaking and the Schleswig was a mixture of Germans and Danes. 3In the year 1840, the Dane tried to claim Schleswig and Holstein to be part of Denmark, instead of having a semi-independent duchy. This angered the German nationalist and demanded for the two duchies to be incorporated into the German Confederation. In

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Paraphrase creditor rights, remedies, and insurance as a component of Essay - 2

Paraphrase creditor rights, remedies, and insurance as a component of risk management - Essay Example t the Insurer performs in "good faith" towards the insured However in case the debtor has destroyed, concealed, mutilated, falsified or failed to preserve any registered information like books, documents, papers, records from which the financial condition of debtor or the transactions related to business might be ascertained. When a customer of a business fails to disburse his/ her debts, the creditor (business in the given case, to which the loan is payable) has numerous accessible remedies to assist collection of the due money from the debtor (customer as "debtor"). These techniques take account of remedies that do not necessitate court participation (known as"self-help" remedies), and remedies that do engage the courts. State immunity laws were developed to permit insurance to execute its proposed functions and to prevent the insured’s dependents from turning into a fiscal load on society. In case of limited annual premium insurance policy, a creditor may be confined to retrieving only extra premium paid. The lender of Interstate Distribution Corporation, â€Å"The First National Bank â€Å"and Interstate itself can collect the policy amount up to interest earned while Eagle does not has any Insurable interest as it might have kept the policy associated with warehouse but with the sale of property, it lost its ownership and so the claim to the policy (Creditors Rights and Collection

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Human Resources Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Resources Management - Essay Example Due to the shift in demand of employees, the countries with fairly flexible wage had transformed into those with low relative wages. Almost 70% of U.S. employees’ demand had shifted in manufacturing industry from less skilled employees to high skilled employees. Globalization had affected the prices of employee wages. Trade flow among countries gave rise to change in demand for employees because the requirement for more employees in profitable sector had increased and these changes in demand led to increase in employees’ wages (Swagel & Slaughter, 1997). The globalization had affected the demand elasticity of employees. The higher receptiveness of employees’ demand had changed the relative cost of employees (Bruno & Et. Al., 2004). Outsourcing and its effect on wages Globalization influences outsourcing and it affects the wages of labor. For example, the following figure shows the relative wages of the employees in US manufacturing industry. Source: (Feenstra, 20 07). From the above graph, it can be viewed that the relative wages was in declining stage from the year 1960 to 1980. The reason for this decline in relative wages of employees is that the globalization had increased the supply of experienced graduate students from different countries and thus the skilled employees were forced to shift into non – production professions (Feenstra, 2007). Outsourcing model The value chain of a company involves works like that of manufacturing of products. The manufacturing activity needs lesser skilled labors and more unskilled labors compared to marketing and research and development activities. For this reason, companies always want to outsource manufacturing activities to other countries where they can find unskilled labor with lower wages. The following figure shows the outsourcing pattern of value chain of a company (Feenstra, 2007). Source: (Feenstra, 2007). Globalization had helped to outsource the production and manufacturing activitie s to be accomplished by unskilled labor force. For this reason, the activities in the left side of A in the above figure are those which are accumulated from overseas countries and activities of right side of B are those which are undertaken in home country. Globalization had liberalized the trade agreement among countries that led to improve the infrastructure of foreign company. The outsourcing leads to accomplish the works of left side of A at abroad. The activities which are performed at home country need more skilled employees. This is the reason for raise in relative wages for skilled employees in home country. On the other hand, the relative wages of foreign country also increased because certain activities between A and B requires more skilled labor than the activities at the left side of A. For this reason the relative demand of skilled employees had increased in foreign country, which led to increase in relative wages of skilled employees in foreign country (Feenstra, 2007 ). Globalization & Competition between Workers Globalization is associated with the process of integrating international market into a single market. It encompasses goods, services, capital, and technology and labor market. The governments of many

Monday, September 9, 2019

A Reflection on the Performance in a Professional Environment Essay

A Reflection on the Performance in a Professional Environment - Essay Example It profoundly presents my own and entailed. Professional development, comprehensive understanding of legal and entailed ethical foundations concerned with confidentiality and entailed reflection on attitude and behavior that recurrently impact on daily service delivery processes. The reflexive essay entails enormous consideration into UK laws attaching on the exposure of confidential information regarding the patients’ health conditions and how it has affected my role as a health worker in the UK. It also highlights on the touchy past issues entrenched in the confidentiality part (Great Britain & Amy, 2012, p75). According to UN Economic Commission for Europe, 2009, confidentiality is an entrenched obligation and mandatory to any provider of certain data or information to highly maintain the privacy of the information (Tranberg & Rashbass, 2004, p79). Thus in professional requirements, all the agencies entailed in a collection of information from different people or even organizations have an astounding role and entailed legal or consequent ethical liability to ensure that they timely respect the privacy or secrecy of the people providing the information (Clark & Mcghee, 2008, p73). In similar proportions, the entailed individuals or organizations are not identified in any disseminated dataset and also there is a concurrent and vivid difference in the connection between confidentiality and privacy. While undertaking my personal roles I have learned of the importance of confidentiality as a failure or breach of confidentiality or entailed disclosure of patients’ information which has th e potentials of intruding into his or her privacy as a person or even associated an organization (Anderson, 1997, p96).

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Government Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Government - Research Paper Example Trying Jones in the states court will also attract a maximum sentence unless he pleads guilty whereas the federal court has comparative leniency of federal rules regarding wiretaps and informants which give Jones the possibility of a minimal sentence compared to the former. The fact that he helped with the collecting of evidence to build cases against Smith and Thompson should influence the severity of his sentence in a federal court. Therefore it is my recommendation that once again a federal court is more beneficial because Jones’ actions of helping collect evidence will sway the judges or jury in a federal court. This will go a long way in helping future informants co-operate because they see that there snitching on the others is beneficial to them (Winnfred, 2011). Since no previous records have been found on Smith, the recommendation is to file the case in the Sedgwick County District Court. Smith should be charged with possession and trafficking as a first offender. The prosecutor should consider cutting a deal with Smith which will see the reduction of his sentence in exchange for him informing on his suppliers. ... The federal courts also need to issue a warrant to search all of Thompson’s premises. Secondly the federal courts offer greater harsher penalties for drug related offences that help deter people from future trafficking. According to 1993 statistics from the Department of Justice, the average federal sentence for selling powder cocaine was 79 months; the average for trafficking in crack cocaine was 141 months. Since Thompson seems to be a big time dealer he faces a harsher sentencing. Thompson should also be offered a deal just like Smith by the prosecutor where he faces a less harsh sentence if he is to inform on his suppliers (Harris 2007). The federal courts also offer an avenue for liaising with other courts in other states and other countries unlike the state courts in the event that Thompson’s suppliers are from different states or countries. Since Jones’ testimony is key to prosecuting Thompson, the prosecutor should make it clear to the judge that in no wa y should Jones’ previous convictions influence the decision made by the court in the trial against Thompson. He should still be viewed as a credible witness despite his selfish reasons in informing on Thompson. Looking at the federal law in the United States, there is no full reception statute provided on the level of federal law that spearheaded common law and therefore giving power to federal courts to fabricate precedents that were deemed legal. Federal courts culminate from the federal constitution together with the federal Judicial Acts. On the other hand, people have come to accept the fact that the earlier inhabitants of the United States, by their action of bestowing â€Å"judicial authority† into the highest court of the land